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Thank you for considering signing the Good Food in Greenwich (GFiG) Workplace Charter!


You’re probably already doing some amazing things, and 

this is an incredible step towards running a healthier, more sustainable business which brings loads of opportunities to shout about what you’re doing. 

Charter Criteria 

You only need to meet 5 of the 11 criteria which you can choose.  And if you don’t meet 5 criteria, we’ll support you through the process and give you simple clear steps on how to achieve this free charter.


To join for free, fill out and submit The Form Below 

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Sugar Smart Greenwich is a pledge campaign for local businesses to join, to help raise awareness of the health impact of high levels of sugar in foods and drinks and take action to reduce sugar intake.


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Getting involved means you’ll be providing a comfortable place for women to feed their babies, but you will also be helping to educate the wider community about the benefits of breastfeeding and how it is every woman’s right to be able to breastfeed in public


Getting involved means you’ll be providing a comfortable place for women to feed their babies, but you will also be helping to educate the wider community about the benefits of breastfeeding and how it is every woman’s right to be able to breastfeed in public


Getting involved means you’ll be providing a comfortable place for women to feed their babies, but you will also be helping to educate the wider community about the benefits of breastfeeding and how it is every woman’s right to be able to breastfeed in public


Recycling Bins

Reducing waste to landfill has to be a priority, and there are lots of options out there that are worth exploring


Water Filter Faucet

There’s no denying that the impact of meat and dairy on our planet and our health is huge as well as the fact that meat and dairy can be high in saturated fats which contribute towards heart disease and stroke. 





Healthy Food

Good quality fresh, seasonal, or culturally appropriate produce can keep customers coming back again and again knowing they can contribute to their 5- a day and healthy eating goals. 




Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, no child labour, fair terms of trade and a guarantee that the price paid for food will never fall lower than the market price.



Community Garden

Having connections with your community puts you in a great position to support them around food.  Read more to see some easy ways to involve the community



Crate of Vegetables

Supporting a workplace veg box scheme is a commendable initiative with multifaceted benefits.


There will be local or national veg box schemes which you could promote through your workplace



Sharing Food

Promoting healthy eating is part of promoting health in the workplace. Research has shown that the benefits of improving health in the workplace include increased motivation, more innovation and improved public image.



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Procure from local GFIG accredited businesses

This could be businesses that have successfully registered with hospitality, retail and community charters to supply food for your businesses and space for your events, workshops and business meetings


The Living Wage Foundation campaigns for people to be paid a fair day’s pay for a hard day’s work – a wage that means they can afford the things they need.




1. Are you a Sugar Smart business?
2. Are you a breastfeeding friendly space?
3. Do you seperate recycle and or compost your waste
4. Do you discourage plastic bottled water?

5. Do you ensure availability in your workplace of healthy food and drink options are available?

5.1. Healthier options available in the vending machines
5.2. Have fruit available weekly for staff shared kitchen/eating area
6. Do you use Fairtrade Products?
7. Do you promote a sustainable healthy workplace to your staff? Various options to support this are:
8. Do you promote or facilitate a veg box scheme for your staff?
9. Do you partner with your community? (e.g. support community events, donate food left over, host community group meetings)
10. Do you procure from local GFIG accredited businesses? This could be businesses that have successfully registered with hospitality, retail and community charters to supply food for your businesses and space for your events, workshops and business meetings
11. Are you an accredited London Living Wage employer? If you are paying your staff the London Living Wage you can get accreditation.See link above.

Thank you for Applying!

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