We delivered a joint pilot community cooperative project on the Woolwich Common Estate
In July 2023, we partnered with Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency (GCDA) to deliver a project to encourage more residents to become actively engaged in helping to improve the overall safety, security and the look and feel of Woolwich Common estate. This successful pilot project has become a beacon of best practice for other estates in Royal Greenwich and features as a case study on the Cooperative Council Innovation Network.
One year on, this initiative has seen some fantastic outcomes, including:
• decreased littering and flytipping
• improved resident satisfaction
• increased resident engagement and participation
• development of employment and training opportunities for local people
• new information sharing processes established
The project also offers a written blueprint for use by other estates and areas wishing to achieve the same or similar outcomes.
The steering group continues to meet and plan activity for the site, such as building a new community garden and recruiting a community gardener.
Read the full article here.